Stop drinking alcohol with hypnotherapy and psychotherapy
Stop drinking alcohol and start feeling well again.
In just 4 weekly sessions you can abolish alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse which will allow your mental and physical health to recover. You will gain so many benefits from this change.
Is there someone in your life who misses who you used to be? Maybe they walked away, maybe they couldn’t stand and witness the destruction that alcohol creates.
Is there someone that misses the real and authentic version of you who isn’t dependent on poisonous substances to feel better! I bet there is!
I wonder if you acknowledge how alcohol doesn’t make you feel good anymore! This is always the first step.
Acknowledgement and realisation that you no longer need to consume this substance anymore.
Using the support I provide with hypnotherapy and psychotherapy you can quit alcohol and gain control of your thoughts and your choices. Alcohol no longer has the right to control your physical body, your mental state, your thoughts or your choices any more. It can stop now! Guess what – You make it stop!
Alcohol abuse can leave you feeling completely trapped, isolated and dependent on a substance you believe you need.
Your beliefs about the benefits alcohol brings you are not correct and no longer valid.
At one time you truly believed alcoholic beverages provided you with relief, calmness and an escape from reality or maybe made you more efficient in some way. Maybe it provided you with another sensation which you believed was a benefit to you.
It is time now to recalibrate your thoughts and beliefs relating to alcohol.
So we all know alcohol is a legal substance which is available everywhere you go. It’s so readily available and looks so appealing but in fact is it just poison to the human body. Just like vaping!
Look at the stats, alcohol related deaths in the UK are increasing year by year! Why are poisons that destroys the human body and the human brain so widely available with huge marketing campaigns which are attractive to teenagers and young people!
Since a young child and all the way through your life you have been exposed to constant suggestions and reminders to have a drink without even knowing it. External and environmental factors could also play a key role in your strong beliefs with alcohol. Very possibly none of which were ever your choice or your fault!
Naughty isn’t it! Ah us humans are so impressionable and controllable with big posters, flashing lights or tv adverts, and ultimately observing what others do!
In 2022, there were 10,048 alcohol-specific deaths.
The alcohol-specific death rate was 16.6 per 100,000 population which increased from 11.1 in 2012.
The rate of alcohol-specific deaths for men was 22.3 per 100,000 population compared to 11.1 for women.
Is there someone who misses who you used to be? The real version of you who isn’t dependent on poisonous substances to feel better! I bet there is! You should become the real version of yourself again and quickly! No time to waste now.
The beauty of stopping drinking with hypnotherapy and psychotherapy is that you make your investment back.
You are wealthier as you are no longer spending large amounts of your money on alcohol. It’s a win all round!