The Global Mind Healing Wellness Studio

Book in for face-to-face psychotherapy and hypnotherapy sessions at the Global Mind Healing Wellness Studio based in Crawley, West Sussex.

Enjoy relaxing therapies in a purposely created calm, relaxing, tranquil and healing environment.

You can also book other relaxing services:

Indian Head massage
Release muscular tension in your neck, back, shoulders, face and scalp with Indian Head Massage – Hair oils are optional

Infra Red Sauna Cabin
Experience muscular relaxation and promote physical wellness with short 30 min sessions in the Infra Red Sauna Cabin.

This cabin will provide wonderful physical relaxation as the skin absorbs 80% of the heat from the infra red lights.

The infra red lights help to keep the cabin bacteria free!

Also this cabin’s infra red lights can heal many fungal skin conditions, increases blood flow, this allows parts of the body which are low in circulation to receive the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function and repair more effectively, and increasing the body’s ability to detoxify.

Scientific proven facts: Infra red light – NIR (Near Infra Red Light)

Helps to reduce body fat when combined with exercise by 440% – WOW.

Promotes feeling of happiness.

Helps to Increase energy production.

Helps to repair muscle and soft tissues.

Can support to reduce muscle fatigue up to 42.2% by increasing the blood flow in your micro circulatory systems which enables your muscles to improve working and increase recovery time from 2 – 5 times faster.

Could provide pain relief from arthritis or inflammation.

Speed recovery from soft tissue injuries.

Combined with bespoke physical and mental relaxation therapy this infra red sauna is a great addition to The Global Mind Healing Company’s Wellness Studio.

Clients who experience this infra red light therapy clearly enjoy the relaxing muscle warming experience.

Book in to the Wellness Studio and enjoy some you time. Experience complete relaxation with mental wellness benefits, improve your physical health and feel better.

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